
Friday, March 3, 2017


So technically, I guess this slice won't count.
It's 10:20 Mountain Time.
That means it's 12:20 Eastern Time.
Twenty minutes late.
But what can I say?
Sometimes life just gets in the way.

This has been a crazy busy week.
Class on Tuesday night.
A ten page paper due.
And also my night to be discussion leader.
On 75 pages of reading.
A completely different topic than the paper.

Wednesday night I responded to papers
for the class I taught last night, from 5:15-7:15.
I got home at 8.
And sliced.
And responded to my Welcome Wagon slicers.

This morning I got up.
Prepped for three data team meetings.
Got to school a little after six.
Led data teams.
Taught four intervention groups.
Did lunch duty.
Met with two different grade levels.
Did hall duty.

A friend teacher at my school
danced in a concert across town tonight.
So another teacher and I grabbed dinner at Panera's,
then went to the concert.

And now it's 10:30
And I haven't sliced.
So technically I guess I missed a day.
But it's not midnight here
And sometimes life just gets in the way.


Tani said...

I have felt the same way all week! At least we're slicing, right?

Red Emma said...

The east coast does not get to rule. I'm an east coaster visiting the west coast, and I posted before midnight Pacific time, if after midnight EST. It's okay. And it looks like you have had a very very busy couple of days. Life always gets in the way. We write when we can, and you made it under the wire as far as I'm concerned.

Ramona said...

Carol, I can't believe you made time to slice tonight after the day you had. You should receive the over committed award for the week. Here's to a less frenzied weekend with some time for rest and relaxation(I hope)!

Unknown said...

So true - sometimes life gets in the way. But you still posted! Day 3 done and done!

Lee Ann Spillane said...

Sounds like a good day of going and doing and being--getting things done and enjoying the people! One year, I had to let go of slicing every day. I was so disappointed. I really wanted to be writing and commenting every day my help and my person and my energy was needed elsewhere. Real life is like that.

writekimwrite said...

Your words are a gift whenever they come. Here is to noticing and living out the "why" you wrote about on Day 1!

Anonymous said...

My very first slice came in about half an hour past the cut-off. I was a little discouraged, since there's nothing like starting off a challenge by "losing," but it's not like I'm in it for the prizes. I'm challenging myself to post daily and to comment on 3-5 slices from each day's postings. That might mean I miss the east coast deadline, but still post. It might mean I comment on multiple posts from Friday on Saturday (as I'm doing right now), then move on to commenting on Saturday's posts as well. I understand that I'm not going to "win" the challenge officially, but I can still rise to the challenge personally.

Oh, and your day--it wore me out just reading about it! Wow!

Michelle said...

Who is counting any way? What's most important ... your words are here. You still wrote. You reflected on your day, your busy, overbooked, dedicated, oh-my-how-do-you-do-it-all day.