And I didn't pull off a haiku today, so a tanka will have to do.
Frigid predawn gray
Collarless bulldog dodges
rush hour madness
dog angel coaxes frightened
creature to truck's safe haven.
- Carol Wilcox
Traffic in Denver is crazy, even really early in the morning and late at night. At 6:00 this morning I was headed down a busy city street to work when all of a sudden the delivery truck in front of me came to a full stop. Peering around the truck, I saw a white bulldog, trapped in the middle of the street, frantically dodging the traffic that rushed past him in either way. As I was trying to figure out where I could pull over, the driver in front of me climbed out of his truck, and somehow managed to corral the dog and hoist what looked like at least a 50 pound body into the cab of the truck.
The first small kindness…
I've been out with Ingrid, then talking with a nephew, so your post is the first one I've read. I love your beginning collection of small kindnesses, and a tanka is just perfect. So glad for that dog, and happy to hear about that thoughtful man.
Love this! Our world needs more heroes like the one you saw this morning.
My haiku from 11/30 was a #smallkindnesses
overcast skies
unexpected kindness
ray of hope
I wrote it Thanksgiving morning after I came in from my walk. In our neighborhood, people typically share a "Good Morning" if you are pass them as you walk on the same sidewalk. That morning, I got a bright and cheery "Happy Thanksgiving!" from across the street and across the lines of race and age. It was a ray of hope, indeed.
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