Do you read Oprah magazine? If so, you know that each month she devotes a good chunk of the magazine to a featured topic. The April issue, which is available now, is devoted to poetry, and it's terrific. There is an interview of Mary Oliver, which in and of itself would be enough to make me buy the magazine. But there are also lots of other great poetry-related features-- famous people talking about what poetry or a specific poem has meant to them, a bibliography of twenty poetry books every library should own, lots and lots of other good stuff. Check it out.
Mary Oliver
Hello sun in my face,
Hello you who made the morning,
and spread it over the fields,
and into the faces of the tulips,
and the nodding morning glories,
and into the windows of even
the miserable and the crochety.
Love the poem. Thanks for sharing it. It flows so sweet and then surprises you with "the crotchety". How funny. MaryHelen
Hello sun in my face! I'll try to have more kindness than crotchety-ness. (A week of spring break will help!)
It's been awhile since I read Oprah's magazine, but that sounds like a good issue to pick up!
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