
Saturday, March 26, 2016

SLICE #26- Easter Baskets???

So tomorrow is Easter Sunday. I raised my guys in the church, but in the last few years, they have completely walked away from those beliefs. As far as I know, neither of them will be going to church tomorrow. They also won't be going with me to Colorado Springs, to have Easter brunch with my mom, because both of them have to work in the afternoon.

I debated whether or not I should even bother to make Easter baskets.
            The boys are 20 and 22. They really are a little too old for Easter baskets.

Easter is a Christian holiday.
           My boys are saying they don't believe in Christ anymore. 
           Why should I bother making Easter baskets.

Easter is a family holiday.
          My boys don't want to have much to do with me these days. I'm a roof over their head,
          the person who goes to the grocery store, the tax preparer, and an occasional ATM. 
          And that's pretty much it. 

And so I debated back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth all morning.
And then I went to the grocery store, and bought chocolate bunnies, and jelly beans, and chocolate eggs, so that I could make Easter baskets.

Because they are my boys. And I love them.

And I wanted them to remember, somewhere,
in the depths of their very being,
that they have have a mom,
and an Abba Father
who loves them infinitely.


Michelle said...

Carol, you are a good Momma and they are loved by the one true God. You made the right choice. A little chocolate, a little love, and a little reminder. Praying for you and the boys! Happy Easter! He is risen!

bjdonaldson said...

I think this is a very poignant post. I understand what you are saying as several of my children seem to have left the faith that was very real to them as children. God knows their hearts, and I am a praying Mom. I love the ending of your slice, "And I wanted them to remember, somewhere,
in the depths of their very being,
that they have have a mom,
and an Abba Father
who loves them infinitely."
By the bye, I made Easter baskets for all my children who range in age from 21 to 32. Happy Easter!

Linda B said...

I still get my kids little things, will do some Easter things for the girls, but I mean my "old" kids. If you want to give them baskets, somewhere inside, as you wrote, they will care. Enjoy the day with you mom, Carol.

Anonymous said...

Continue to nurture, you never know what might come of it. Sending you prayers of love. Happy Easter.

Maria said...

What a great choice! I love those little chocolate bunnies! (well... giving them... I don't like chocolate :) ) They will adore and appreciate it one day. Even if they don't admit it, I'm sure you made their heart smile a bit in the morning! :) Happy Easter!

Unknown said...

Whether they believe or not, they will appreciate the Easter baskets. They might not say so in words, they might even complain, but they will appreciate it.You are planting a seed for the future and maintaining family traditions.

cindaroo42 said...

I'm 28 and home with my mom and dad this weekend... I have an easter basket! My dad does too :)

Kim Possible said...

Hi Carol: I read your comment on Michelle's blog about raising Black sons and wanted to know more, bringing me this beautiful post. I've been thinking deeply about how to observe traditions (particularly when not having been raised with them). It matters to your sons, I'm sure. They will remember. Happy Easter. Kim (

Kim Possible said...

Hi Carol: I read your comment on Michelle's blog about raising Black sons and wanted to know more, bringing me this beautiful post. I've been thinking deeply about how to observe traditions (particularly when not having been raised with them). It matters to your sons, I'm sure. They will remember. Happy Easter. Kim (

Elisabeth Ellington said...

I'm so glad you made the Easter baskets! I was a little surprised yesterday to realize that T. was expecting us to hide eggs today and do an Easter egg hunt. He's getting a little old for that! But as long as he's willing, we'll do it.

Loralee said...

Keep on keepin' on, precious Mom! They will remember.

Ramona said...

Love your words at the end of this post.
"...they have have a mom,
and an Abba Father
who loves them infinitely."
And even though they don't act like they care, your love is noticed. Blessings for a happy Easter day with your mom!

Michelle Li said...

I agree with Kim. The boys will remember.