
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

National Poetry Month 2022- Foundlings and Wonderments #6- "Tending the Family Garden"


Most of the poets I love can say a lot in just a few words. That's not my strong suit. I am trying to experiment with structures to make my poems tighter. This is two tankas (5-7-5-7-7) stacked on top of each other. 

"Tending the Family Garden"

In mid-December

my sister lays by my mom

and makes a promise

that her three girls, never close

will somehow stay connected.

And so now we meet 

to plant new seed, cultivate 

and weed the family garden.

Still so many pesky thorns

but also a few roses.

(c) Carol Wilcox, 2022


Ramona said...

Oh, Carol, I love the images you create. Your sister lying beside your mom making a promise, and the gardening (planting, cultivating, weeding) you're all doing to stay connected. You make me want to try the tanka form.

Linda B said...

It's a loving remembrance for your mother, Carol. Those 'few' words show a beautiful image.

Carol Varsalona said...

Carol, you used the right format to remember a tender moment. Blessings to you.

Mary Lee said...

I love everything you do and don't say in this. Powerful. Lovely. True.