
Friday, June 17, 2011


Thinking of my dad this week.
Missing him.
Wishing my boys had a dad.
Thankful for all of the men that have stepped in
and filled that role in their lives.

Little True Poem
Alison Luterman

…In this too-little fathered world
I had a father, have
one still: and this is how I know
whatever I know of love,
gratitude, and honor.

Read the rest of the poem here,
at Jayne Jaudon Ferrer's YOUR DAILY POEM.

A poem arrives in my mailbox from Jayne
every morning.
I love waking up
to poetry.
Thanks, Jayne!

Poetry Friday is at Jone's Check It Out!

P.S. I don't know how to embed You Tube videos (just tried to figure it out but it didn't work), but on his blog this morning, my pastor shared a poem by actor and poem Daniel Beatty. It's a poem for fatherless boys (it's not religious so you won't be offended if you don't like that kind of stuff). Please just cut and paste this link to see it. Warning: Have tissues ready!


Tabatha said...

Thanks for spotlighting multiple points-of-view on fathers. That's a sweet poem.

Diane Mayr said...

I wished you lived closer to NH, then I could demo how easy it is to embed a video! Wishing you a great weekend.