A super busy day…
Determined that my students would have fun…
Would be allowed to be nine and ten year olds
on Valentine's Day,
despite the fact
that we are three weeks
from our state's "blessed event"
and have lots and lots and lots to learn.
And so I get up early,
Type up my lesson plans-
Make sure I can justify
every single thing we do
Idioms with
Amy K. Rosenthal's new book,
no problem,
nothing better for getting better at reading
than flat out reading.
we will just read
and read
and read
a little more.
Probability, graphing, adding fractions,
All using conversation hearts…
Valentine envelopes,
I know,
the great symmetry contest,
how many lines of symmetry can you create
in the design for your valentine bag?
Write a valentine letter
choose three reasons you love that person,
elaborate with details or an anecdote.
Edit with an adult,
write a final draft,
then make a card
with a border around the perimeter
(perimeter- did you get that one more math lesson thrown in?)
My kids hit the door running--
they have brought chips and cookies and cards---
they are so excited
and we have fun,
big fun,
all day long.
But we learn too.
And there are parents
and little brothers and sisters
and snacks, snacks, and more snacks
Our friends from the autism classroom
join our party for a little while
my kids scoot over,
make room at their tables
share cards
and snacks
and kindness.
We are close to the end of our party
When S's mom
and toddler sister come in
Mom apologizes for being late
She has just gotten off work
had to wake up the little sister
I find a juice box and a heart shaped cookie.
Bend over to give it to the toddler.
Try using my Spanish
on this not quite awake three-year-old.
I feel X standing beside me.
Know her mom has been out of town.
Think she needs a hug,
I reach for her
And she leans close.
"Ms. W."
she says seriously,
"I just thought you should know…"
I am expecting to hear about
our wonderful day
All she has learned.
How much fun we have had.
But X has another message,
"I just thought you should know,
when you bend over,
the top of your underwear shows.
And it's pink."
Yep, sweetie, it sure is.
My underwear
is definitely pink.
Hot pink
if you want to be exact.
Happy Valentine's Day
from the teacher
with the hot pink underwear.
You're almost my last blog to read, Carol, & you ended my red & white, full of sugar day with a lot of laughter. What a wonderful story poem. I love the end, of course, & you get a gold star for sneaking all those lessons in, plus I like that your students made room for kindness, the best thing! Happy valentine's Day!
You have started my day with a laugh! What a great poem to revisit the day, but the best is the end (no puns intended).
Oh yes, it is when we think we know what they will say...they say something else, completely!
So funny, thanks for sharing.
Ha! I just needed that laugh today -- sorry, it's at your expense, but thank you for sharing your wonderful Valentine's eventful day!
HA HA HA - can you hear me belly laugh from Michigan! LOVE this poem. You completely surprised me at the end.
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