
Saturday, April 1, 2023

April Poetry Month-- Another Day in Denver- Day 1/30


Kind of like last year, I really have not been writing much. Not sure I have much to say. But I have done April Poetry Month for lots of years and tradition runs strong. What I am thinking about most right now is my city, where it seems like it's one crazy sad thing after another. For example, two shootings in the last month at East High School, which is the school where my boys attended. Tonight's poem is a tricube- three stanzas, three lines in each stanza, three syllables in each line. Not much, but all I got...

“Just Another Day in Denver”

Drive by kills

soccer star.

High school grieves.

Two weeks pass.

Two teachers

shot, neither

dies, this one

barely makes

front page news.

(c) Carol Wilcox, 2023


Jean said...

I love to hear your voice! I am looking forward to more about Denver. Guns, sigh...

Ramona said...

My heart grieves with every new shooting.
Looking forward to more poems from you this month.

Cathy said...

I hear you. These tragedies hardly make the news now. I'm hopeful watching students descend on Tennessee's state house.

Macey said...

This is a great post thhanks