
Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Dear friends.
Thirty five years ago.
When we were sorority sisters.
Alpha Phis at CU.
She left early.
Went to Chicago for Physical Therapy School.
Met her husband.
I was in her wedding.
And then somehow life happened
And we lost touch.

Today we saw each other for the first time in many years.
We talked children.
She has five.
The oldest two are entrepreneurs.
One has pink hair. Owns a florist.
The second one has a wedding lighting business.
I never knew such a thing existed.
Another son has just come back from 8 years as a missionary in Uganda.
Married last October.
Is hoping to start a Ph.D. in third world economics.
And then there is a basketball player.

And the youngest, newly graduated,
was at Arapahoe High School last December
during a shooting.
 I shudder as she tells me about getting a text.
"I'm fine, mom. Don't worry."
And going to the school to find him.
People abandoning their cars on University Boulevard
a major thorough fare. 
Standing in line with parents whose kids didn't have access to their cell phones.
Who didn't know if their kids were dead or alive.
Finally finding her son at King Soopers.

We talk families.
Aging parents.
Her mom's death a year ago.
Difficult siblings.
(Does everyone have one).
Middle aged health challenges.

And then we talk about faith.
Bible studies. 
Books read.
The character of God.
Because that is how we became friends. 
And that is what matters most
to both of us.

And somehow, the years we have lost melt away.
And we are right back where we were
Thirty-five years ago.


Diane Anderson said...

Oh, I loved this! Old friends are the best! It's never too late to reconnect. What stories you have to share, and faith!

writekimwrite said...

I think of these as heart friends, once connected even all those years do not matter. How lovely to have a chance to catch up.

Linda B said...

There are those friends who never lose touch, even if you don't talk for a long while. Happy to hear you had a good time, Carol, and happy her son is safe. I can't imagine what that feeling must be.

Ramona said...

I love the way you captured the comfortable friendship you rekindled with this dear friend. Children, families, and faith - all important things to share with a dear friend!
So glad you had this time together.

Loralee said...


I really enjoyed how you captured this moment with your friend. I found myself so interested in catching up with her family as well!

God is so good.

Penny Jansen said...

I know of whom you speak. This is great. Hope I can get together with both of you in the near future.

Elisa said...

Your writing had the power to melt away the years.
I hope you can maintain this friendship now that you've recovered it.

Chris said...

Such a great slice - it's neat how you moved through all the kiss, news and caught each other up. Love the last line - how the years melted away.

Ona said...

Beautiful slice - I love how you captured this! Old friends are magical, I think. :-)
- Onathought