Dr. Richard Allington, on the issue of librarians and teachers being readers:
"I’ll give you my sporting analogy. Do you think football coaches should know anything about football? Do you think football coaches should have ever played football? Would anyone ever hire a football coach that had never played the game and didn’t know anything about it?
I seriously doubt it. If you don’t know anything about the game, trying to explain it to somebody who knows nothing about it is almost impossible…
One of the things that I find most worrisome is that 53% of teachers in the first three years of teaching say that they didn’t read a single book, over half of our beginning teachers have never read a single book in the first few years of teaching, which made me go a ways in understanding why so many kids don’t read books.
If you don’t read books I don’t know how you’d ever share the joys of reading with kids who are learning to read."
Unfortunately, this is true on my team. I have been pushing her, so she is finally reading.
I also have been pushing the teachers with whom I work. They don't read except with book groups. So interesting to me that teachers think that's okay, or maybe it doesn't occur to them to even question it. Thanks for the update, Carol.
Oh, Carol. I love, love, love your "Thoughts for Thursday"! I'll be posting this one up for all to read at school! Thank you for sharing so powerful thoughts!
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