Kristine O'Connell George has always been one of my favorite poets- The Great Frog Race, Toasting Marshmallows, and The Little Dog Poems. Last week at TATTERED COVER I found her newest book, EMMA DILEMMA: BIG SISTER POEMS. I stood at the poetry shelf and read it cover to cover.
EMMA DILEMMA is narrated by Jessica, a fourth or fifth grade girl who is the big sister to Emma. Jessica is a good big sister, but she gets tired of the pesky younger sister who ruins her things, makes messes in her room, and follows her incessantly. As someone who is the oldest of three girls, I could so relate to every. single. poem in this book.
A great addition to a classroom or library collection, also a great "big sister" present!
She's not even
in real school
but Emma insists
she has to sit with me
and do her homework.
Emma brings paper and crayons.
I move over, give her plenty of elbown room,
because the pictures inside Emma's head are bigger than the kitchen table.
Kristine O'Connell George
Poetry Friday is here.
I love this. I have no sisters, but my two daughters, who are finally best friends as adults, will love this. Thanks for sharing.
Oh! What a sweet poem! Thanks for sharing that!
I love that last line...this collection is one for my classroom.
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