School secretaries rank right up there on the top of my list of people who work incredibly hard and should be paid enormous amounts of money. Ms Patti, the secretary at my school, is one of the best secretaries, not to mention one of the very nicest people I know. She does all of the stuff that other secretaries do- support the boss, answer the phone, paperwork- but then she also helps 25 teachers and paraprofessionals, and three hundred kids and their families. She knows every child's name and life story. She deals with bands aid bloody noses and broken arms. She knows exactly when to give a child a hug and when to give him a hard time. She makes coffee every morning and caters luncheons on teacher planning days. And she does it all with kindness and smiles and patience all day every day. And she has done it for more than 22 years. And today is her birthday! Happy Birthday, Miss Patty!
Douglas Evans
Poetry Friday is at
Seven bandaids, a bloody nose
Forgotten lunches, bright hellos,
Twisted ankles, ritalin pills,
Five calls home, two orange juice spills.
A lost jacket, a stain to soak,
An ice packet, a zipper that broke…
Read the rest of the poem here. (You have to scroll almost to the bottom of the page to find the poem).
Poetry Friday is hosted by Anastasia Suen at PICTURE BOOK OF THE DAY.
Ha! So many unsung heroes in our kids' lives!
PERFECT poem! And thanks for the link to this site! I like this guy's style. The poem "Etc." was a favorite!
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