One more week of school, and I'm starting to think about summer reading. Typically, I use the summer to catch up on all of the reading I have not done all school year- professional books and adult novels included. I also try to add a bunch of new kids' books to my repertoire, so I will be ready to recommend books to kids in the fall (when people ask me about my secrets to helping kids grow as readers I usually give say, "Recommending great books, providing lots of time for kids to read, and no bathroom passes during independent reading time!" Ok, that and a little strategy instruction, but it's mostly just knowing lots of great books that will pull kids in).
Here is my summer reading list so far:
- EDGAR SAWTELLE- I got this adult novel for Christmas, but have not even cracked the cover. It's at the top of the pile.
- FINDING THE GROOVE: COMPOSING A JAZZ-SHAPED FAITH by Robert Gelinas. Robert is the teaching pastor at the church we attend. He is an amazing man (ok, I would say that about anyone who had adopted eight children). I've learned so much from him over the past three years and can't wait to read his book.
- READICIDE by Kelly Gallagher- The English Companion Ning will be doing a book club on this starting on June 1. I have never done an online book club and thought it would be fun to give it a try.
- Tom Newkirk's new book, HOLDING ONTO GOOD IDEAS IN A TIME OF BAD ONES. Tom was my dissertation chair. He's the biggest, most forward-looking thinker I know. If he wrote a book about tiddlywinks, I'd read it, because I know I would learn something.
- THE WORKSHOP BOOK- another one that everyone is talking about.
- THE GRAVEYARD BOOK by Neil Gaiman. I always try to read the Newbery. I don't like scary/horror genre (I don't know that this one is that, but it sounds that way, a little anyway), but I'm going to give it a try.
- Susan Patron's new LUCKY book.
This is just a start on the list. I'd love to hear what everyone else is reading, so I can add to my list.
I assume that this post means that your blog has come to its senses and recognized you again. How weird was that?
I, too, am going to tackle Edgar Sawtelle this summer. I'm going to be in Burlington for a month (mom is having shoulder replacement surgery) so there'll be PLENTY of reading time. I'm also going to try to take down Pilllars of the Earth. (both are book club books) Newkirk's book has a catchy title. Strikes a chord, as it were. I may try to track it down. Heinemann?
I'll email you off blog about the possibility of getting together when mom's in the hospital in Denver. I'm thinking Tattered Cover...
The Graveyard Book is wonderful. It has a scary beginning, and some intense parts at the end; but when a class claps at the end and wants it to be the next read aloud you know it is a winner!
This looks like a great list! Thanks for sharing. Readacide is on my radar as well as The Graveyard Book. GReat pic of your boys. May and September seem to be the hardest months for me to post. Can't wait for summer reading!
I will be teaching 6th grade for the first time!!!!
I need a choice that will hook my readers including those boys!!!
thanks for your help in advance/
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