
Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Pretty much every post I have read tonight talks about one little word.

I'm embarrassed to admit that I haven't chosen one. And that I might not choose one.

I can't remember what word I chose last year. I clearly didn't do a very good job living it, since I can't even remember what it was.

I have thought of several words. The one that comes to mind over and over again is ORDER. Or ORGANIZATION. Both of those things are sadly lacking in my life right now. Last summer, I bought the TIDYING UP book that everyone seems to be talking about. I started it. Then I lost it. Then found it again. And restarted. I really want to be one of those orderly, organized people with a clean house and clean closets and a clean car and a clean garage. But I'm not there yet.

I have also thought about BALANCE. I'm not very good at that either. For a couple of different reasons. I really love my job. And I love the people I work with. It really doesn't feel like work when you get to do something you love every day. But I definitely  could stand to work a few less hours.

I know I will work on my Spanish. But I don't have a word for it. BILINGUAL seems a very lofty goal, given my current state of Spanish.

 I have thought about CREATE. I'm really longing to do something artistic. Just not sure what. I have thought about taking a class in watercolors. That's something I have always wanted to do. I have also thought about taking a knitting class. But I think those would be a lot more fun with someone else, and I haven't found anyone to do it with yet. I want to redesign my blog. I tried that New Year's Eve, but I didn't get too far. And learn to create some of the fancy graphics that everyone else seems to know how to do.

There are other words I could choose. PATIENCE? That would be a good one. Or what is the opposite of PROCRASTINATE? That could be my word. Or the opposite of WORRY? That's another one  I could definitely use.

I haven't chosen a word yet this year.

I'm really not sure I will.


Michelle said...

Oh, Carol, even in the midst of all your honesty, you make me laugh! You haven't chosen a word yet ... or have you? Perhaps your word is YET ... opens the doors of all sorts of possibilities for the new year! That's a powerful word that I love using with my girls -- growth mindset! So, you aren't as organized or bilingual or creative as you want to be ... YET! It means there is more to come, you just don't know yet. But know that I think about it, I'd like to know the word that is opposite procrastinate. That might be a good one too! What about anticipation? Or proactive? No worries on the one little word. You'll think of one yet.

Anonymous said...

Carol, if it comes it comes. I like some of the ones you considered. I have the tidy up book to read but I haven't read it. I love the word CREATE. Remember it will be okay if a word or more than word comes to you.

Linda B said...

I must say, I'm laughing and I hope you won't have hurt feelings. I have tried to do the OLW, & admire those who do, but it doesn't really work well for me, either. I read a lot of those posts today too, & they are eloquent. I had fun with an OLW in 2014, the word "wander", but I think because I was really moving from thing to thing & wandering fit beautifully. I will consider it again for this month, but am still not sure. Thanks for making me feel like a kindred spirit!

Mary Lee said...

How about just...BE.

Nanc said...

I really need that 'tidy' book too. I love that you lost that book. I'm kind of resigned that that piece of me will never change. I love the idea of learning about fancy graphics to redesign my blog also. I would maybe like to learn how to do something new. Happy New Year Carol. I am still trying to sort out my life after teaching and after the death of my mom. Maybe mine should be sorting. xo nanc

Chris said...

Carol - maybe your word is here in front of you... maybe GROW or KNOW.. because you are always looking to help make the world a better place. I like Mary Lee's suggestion .. BE :)
Happy new year!