
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

TANKA (#16)

"The Day After a Snow Day"

Leaving coffee, book 
Comfy sweats, snoring dogs, warmth
I brave frigid morning
Vowing to be grateful
for yesterday's brief respite

(C) Carol Wilcox, 2015

Revised on the way to work…

"The Day After a Snow Day"

Leaving steaming cup,  half-read book 
Comfy sweats, snoring dogs, 
I brave frigid morning
Vowing to be grateful
for yesterday's brief respite

(C) Carol Wilcox, 2015


Linda B said...

You've captured it perfectly, Carol. The kids will be ready to share their snow days today too.

Ramona said...

Love that steaming cup and half read book! You conjure up snow days from my past. Rare for us, but always a delightful treat!