
Monday, March 2, 2015


I've spent the last month stuck in stupid.

Take today, for example.

I drove the 130 mile roundtrip to Colorado Springs to see my mom.

On the way back I stopped on the south end of Denver to see a dear friend.

She is working in Hong Kong right now, but her old golden retriever is having some health issues and so she came home for a few days.

I sat down on the floor next to Buddy and loved on him for a little while.There is nothing sweeter in the whole world than a old, white-faced golden.

I visited with Laura and her husband and then got up to leave.

Laura walked me to the door.

We hugged goodbye. It's hard having a piece of my heart so, so, so far away.

And I drove the 30 or so minutes to my home in the north side of the city.

A full night ahead. A dog to walk. Slices to read. Bills to pay. Papers to grade. Laundry.

I drove up to my house. Got out of the car. Reached into the back seat and realized I had forgotten my coat at L's house.

Which wouldn't have been a big deal except that my driver's license and debit card were in the pocket.

And that was a problem.

I called L. Her husband offered to meet me halfway but it was cold. And I knew they had had a long weekend with the dog.

And so I turned around and drove thirty minutes back to her house.

Thirty minutes home.

I still had a full night ahead. Dog to walk. Slices to read. Bills to pay. Papers to grade. Laundry.

It really has been a month stuck in stupid.


Deb Day said...

Oh, I hate it when those things happen. It usually is a result of too much to do. Hope you found some time to rest after your to do list!

CBethM said...

I know those days. I drove somewhere the other day to get something - in the cruddy winter weather to boot - and realized I didn't actually have my wallet.
Like Dory sings in Finding Nemo, Just Keep Swimming.

Judy said...

It always seems to happen on the worst days too. If it's any consolation, the time you spend on commenting on others' slices is very much appreciated. I still remember all of your kind words from last year. It meant a lot to me as a newbie.

Linda B said...

One of my colleagues left her bag full of teaching stuff in the parking lot last week, the night it snowed! I did that too one time. Sorry it happened, guess you could say at least it wasn't in the Springs. Deb is right-too much going on makes us, well "stupid". Hope today is just great, Carol!

Loralee said...

So true..."There is nothing sweeter in the whole world than a old, white-faced golden."

You got to see your friend twice! :0)

Loralee said...

P.S Thank you for visiting Little House on the Ridge and for sharing that the quote/prayer was helpful.<3

Tara said...

I love how, even though you were tired and at the end of a long day, too, you still had the heart to think of what was best for your friend. You have a big heart, Carol.

His Princess said...

I had to read your post because it reminded me of a song lyric "I was stuck on stupid...". That lyric always makes me laugh. I forget things all the time so I could totally identify with your writing. But your heart was for your friend and you put her needs above yours and drove back. What a precious friend you are!

Glenda Funk said...

First, love the KD quote at the top of your blog. Second, you are not alone. Your month of stuck is the stuff of life. There is a cadence suggesting a well-worn, much-traveled path of life. Love it.

Nanc said...

Not stupid, Carol, I really don't like that word. How about a tiny bit scattered like me for most of my life. Plus you always get the everything done and you know it. Now I can tell you about stupid...the day I lost my brand new Mac without even knowing it until the morning of the next that is STUPID in all caps. xo

Leigh Anne Eck said...

Why is it always comforting when you find other people who do some "stupid" things too. I hope you have a better day tomorrow!

Michelle said...

Sounds like you need a day off, a day of rest, a day of relaxation ... to do nothing and just be.