I'm honored to host the last Poetry Friday of 2010!
Today, I want to make you aware of a brand new and very special poetry book, THE WORLD IS MADE OF THOUGHTS, featuring over two hundred poems written by the children of the Denver Public Schools during the 2009-2010 school year. Poems in the book are organized by themes- home and family, school, friends, places we love wind and sky, loss, life and summer.
THE WORLD IS MADE OF THOUGHTS is a labor of love by Steve Replogle, a fourth grade teacher who devotes an incredible amount of time to soliciting poems, working with high school editors to select the poems that will be included, sorting the poems by theme, gathering artwork, and arranging for publication. This year, the book is dedicated to Debbie Milner, a literacy coordinator, hero for teachers and children, and dear friend of mine, who recently retired after more than 20 years in DPS. Here are a few sample poems:
I wish
I was a butterfly
to fly and go
to Mexico.
Karla- Kindergarten
Nothing is a picture without a frame.
Nothing is me without a friend.
Nothing is what I do.
Nothing is us without souls.
Nothing is a wife without a husband.
Nothing is a flower without petals.
Nothing is you to me.
Elida- 5th grade
It's quiet.
There's fighting.
Quiet me.
Do you cry
when it's sad?
Tierra- 2nd grade
And here is one that I am going to adopt as my theme for the new year.
Take flight
Do something
Do something exciting
Something fun for a change
Have fun.
Go wild
Be yourself.
Katherine- Fourth Grade
You can find more information about THE WORLD IS MADE OF THOUGHTS here. This website features sample poems from the book (also from Volumes One and Two), a page about the publication process, submission forms, and lots more information that might be helpful if you wanted to do a project like this with children.
If you are interested in ordering the book, you can get it online from our local independent bookstore, The Tattered Cover.
Leave your Poetry Friday submissions in the comments, and I will round them up throughout the day.
Thanks for stopping by!
These poems are so honest and beautiful - what a gift of a book for these children and readers both. And the collaboration between younger children and high school students is a wonderful idea.
Today I'm in with poem #276 which is (the final)#31 in my poem-poem series, "The Poem Fire."
Even better, I welcome Theresa Annello who teaches us all about her students' poetry calendars!
Thank you for hosting. Happy 2011!
Hi, Carol - thanks for hosting the round-up this week. And thanks to Denver Public Schools for making sure that poetry reaches children (and that the children's poetry reaches us.)
Over at The Drift Record I've posted one last moon poem before the new year begins. This time, it's by H.D. (and I've tossed in a quatrain by Robert Herrick for good measure.)
Happy New Year, Carol! How nice for your friend to have that lovely book dedicated to her. It's a great idea to have high school editors so they can learn about the process. Good job, Mr. Replogle.
Happy New Year, Carol. Thanks for sharing these wonderful poems by kids. When I do school poetry workshops, I'm always amazed at kids like Tierra who open up about their lives.
I'm ringing in the New Year with Poe's "The Bells." It's a love it or hate it kind of poem. Which side are you on?
Thanks for rounding up! I have a review of a picture book in verse--Zog, by Julia Donaldson.
Looks like an interesting book, Carol.
Over at thewritesisters.blogspot.com we have the poetic predictions of the fifteenth century prophetess, Mother Shipton. What's in your future?
Wonderful children's poems! I especially love the kindergartener's, and the way it resolves into a rhyme.
Thanks for hosting. I'm in with Two Cold Morning Poems at Castle in the Sea.
Hi Carol! Some awesome poems from kids! Good for you for celebrating their work!
At Random Noodling you'll find out about a nengajyou, a New Year's greeting exchange amongst haiku poets.
Kurious Kitty Has "A Wish" by Eleanor Farjeon, and, Kurious K's Kwotes features Fargeon, too.
Happy New Year to you!
I can't possibly be the first one here this morning! But so it may be. Thanks for hosting, Carol.
Projects like this are one of the reasons that I often think Denver would be a nice place to live. What a literacy community y'all have out there! Thanks for sharing, and I'll go visit the site now.
I'm in today with a "precurso" to the reverso from Howard Moss. "The Persistence of Song"
Thanks for doing the Poetry Friday Roundup--and Happy New Year!
At Wild Rose Reader, I have an original memoir poem titled "Early Snow."
At Blue Rose Girls, I have "A Poem for New Year's Day" and "Clock"--an acrostic poem.
Thanks for hosting! I have some Apollinaire today for New Year's Eve.
Here it is.
Hello, I'm new to Poetry Friday, but I happened to post a poem today, and it's Friday. . . Happy New Year!
What a treat to read these poems and imagine all the thinking and connecting that went into their composition. I loved "The Flight" - a great poem for the new year.
For my blog, http://tmsteach.blogspot.com/2010/12/poetry-friday.html, I shared a poem I just had the pleasure of hearing the poet read Sharon Olds' "The Race."
Happy New Year everyone!
Carol, thank you for hosting and for all the inspiration!
I wrote about laying the groundwork, then listening for song, as part of the poetic process at:
Happy new year!
I can't believe I forgot the address...sorry. Here it is:
Happy PF!
Happy New Year, Carol! Thanks for hosting today. I'm enjoying all the poems.
We posted "A Poem As Priest" at
And wondering "What's A Meadow For?" at
Hi Carol,
What a lovely project to celebrate young poets. I am especially fond of "Flight" by 4th grader Katherine. Her words reveal such wisdom that I will share with my 4th grade poets next week.
My Poetry Friday post is a bit unusual, but here it is nonetheless.http://lookingforthewritewords29.blogspot.com/2010/12/reminising-reflecting-and-rocking-on.html
Thank you for hosting. Happy New Year! ~Theresa
Thanks for hosting, Carol! I'm in with Anne Porter today. It's here.
Happy New Year!
I love these. I really need to get going and put together all my school's poetry. Thanks for hosting.
Here's mine: http://maclibrary.wordpress.com/2010/12/31/poetry-friday-happy-new-year/
Children's poetry is such joy to read. They're so honest with their emotions. Thanks for sharing these poems.
At DoriReads, I'm ringing in the new year with tissues and Ogden Nash's "Common Cold."
The world *is* made of thoughts. Thank you for sharing this link. Respecting the creative work of children makes a profound difference--and the building of this book is an expression of absolute respect.
Today I wonder again about the "bright light of shipwreck" that George Oppen imagined. I offer a memorial poem I wrote about an incident in the aftermath of a shipwreck.
Carol, Happy New Year from someone who grew up in a neighboring school district (Aurora)! Thanks for these gorgeous poems, and thanks for hosting Poetry Friday this week.
I've shared a couple of poems that threw their arms around me this week: http://melissawiley.com/blog/2010/12/31/and-once-again-i-am-blessed/
Hi Carol,
I'm in today with some William Blake. Thanks so much for hosting during this busy time.
Happy New Year!
Hi Carol,
Thanks for the suggestion of leaving my post about Dark Emperor here for Poetry Friday!
Wishing you a very happy New Year!!
Good Morning, Friend!
I've got my December Mosaic and an original poem about the passing of time.
Neat idea for a poetry book! What a thrill for those budding poets to see their first work in print.
I'm contributing a poem by Longfellow that struck me as fitting for the year's end. Thanks for hosting!
over at my place, there's a poem from the San Diego back country by Steve Kowit...inspired by Melissa Wiley's offerings.
peace keep you.
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