Almost exactly two years ago, I started CAROL W's CORNER. OK, technically, I started it in October 2007, but I only posted once, then didn't post again until January 1, 2008. In that post, I said I was starting a blog because I thought teachers should always be learners. The blog was my learning for 2008 and thanks to people like Franki and Mary Lee, I learned a ton. Now, two years later, I'm writing my 305th post (nothing compared to how faithfully some people post) and I feel like I've got the hang of blogging, or at least most of the time.
My project for 2010: figuring out the i-phone I bought two days ago. Let me backtrack a little. I've been with the same phone company since 2002. That's a pretty long time, I think, in terms of customer loyalty. Recently, however, I have begun to think about changing. First, the company accidentally turned off my son's unlimited text messaging. My December phone bill was over $500 ($335 more than usual). After I recovered from my heart attack, I called the phone company to sort it out. An hour later, they realized it was their mistake, and that my son had had unlimited texts for more than three years, but they would not give me my money back, they would only credit my account. Then my sons got some money for Christmas and wanted to use it to buy new phones. No deal at our company- the boys had gotten new phones for Christmas last year. One son is eligible now, the other, for no reason anyone can figure out, cannot have a new phone until October 24. The boys had been begging for iphones anyway, so we walked across the street to our local BIG BOX, and somehow we all ended up with iphones. The old phone company can use my $335 credit to cancel my account.
So now I have an iphone. Of course my sons were using theirs by the time we had driven the mile from the store to the house. Me? Not so quick. Mine sat in the bag on the kitchen table until later that afternoon, when my younger son got impatient with his slow mother, and set it up for me. That night, he showed me how to make a phone call. Yesterday morning, waiting for K at basketball practice, I figured out how to use the calendar (and then I read an editorial in the paper this morning from a columnist who is going back to a paper and pencil calendar! Hmm).
I have always had a very basic cell phone- the kind where I could call or text my sons, and that's it. The i-phone is a whole new ball game. I don't know how to do anything fancy- can't quite access the internet, or take pictures or videos, or play Scrabble with my niece at college in California. But I'm working on those things. I guess the iphone will be my new learning for 2010!
Good luck! My brother is trying to get me to convert but I'm pretty attached to my puppy tooth-marked, 5 year old phone that automatically turns itself off for no apparent reason.
Last night I was out with friends and we played scrabble and air hockey (!) on his iPhone. It was fun, but do I really want to be "that girl" who can't put her phone away when out with friends?
Happy New Year!
ilike my little LG... it's got a keyboard, iCall my kids, iText my friends and family, iKnow how much my bill is every month. That's as complicated as it gets for me at this point. I've had the company that rhymes with Z-Ploble (hated their service), but iLike the one that rhymes with Soarizon.
Good luck with your iPhone. Luckily my kids haven't said iWant one. They are happy with their Soarizon phones...
iWish you and yours a Happy 2010!
Welcome to the iPhone club!!! It's so much fun, once you get the hang of it!
Hurray for the learning! May it never end!
I'm so excited for you. I have an iTouch I under-utilize. My goal is to get better with it this year, and when my contract with a company I'm not a fan of runs out at the end of 2010, I may just be ready for that iPhone. Enjoy!!
Keep going, Sage Book Mentor!
Treasuring your light...
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