
Friday, May 20, 2011


A couple of years ago, I found Linda Pastan's poem, "To a Daughter Leaving Home." I loved it, and have kind of kept an eye out for her work. Here is one I stumbled across this week.

" A New Poet"

Finding a new poet
is like finding a new wildflower
out in the woods. You don't see

its name in the flower books, and
nobody you tell believes
in its odd color or the way

its leave grow in splayed rows
down the whole length of the page…

Read the rest of the poem here.

Go here and read Marks.

And here are a couple of Pastan quotes (I think they are really excerpts) I found on the same website.

Evil is simply
a grammatical error:
a failure to leap
the precipice
between "he"
and "I."''
Linda Pastan (b. 1932), U.S. poet. "Instructions to the Reader," lines 28-33 (1982).

''I made a list of things I have
to remember and a list
of things I want to forget,
but I see they are the same list.''
Linda Pastan (b. 1932), U.S. poet. "Lists," lines 1-4 (1982).

Poetry Friday is at Julio Larios' The Drift Record.

1 comment:

Mary Lee said...

I discovered Linda Pastan way back when I was at DU!

LOVE her work!

(I'm feeling a little like dropping out...but we've only got a week, so I guess I can push through!!!)