P ull up a chair,
O pen your heart,
E xplore a fresh dream,
T ake time for old friends,
R evise a poem that’s been waiting for you, or
Y ou could write something new.
F ear no critics,
R emember, this is a place for friends,
I nhale a metaphor,
D ream a little,
A waken a new idea, then go, gentle and ready
Y ou’ve dwelt in poetry…
Post you comment. I'll do a roundup at the end of the day.
Thanks for dropping by!
Hi Carol - thanks for hosting! And what a clever poem you've posted for us today!
I'm in with another of my posts for Brush Up Your Shakespeare Month (my own event, because I'm nuts): Sonnet 30 by William Shakespeare. Here's the URL for you: http://kellyrfineman.livejournal.com/444250.html
Thanks for hosting Poetry Friday, Carol! I have three original poems (all from Poetry Stretches) over at The Drift Record
Thank you for hosting this week's edition of Poetry Friday. Bonus points for the acrostic poem!
Ophelia's hanging out at Bildungsroman today.
"inhale a metaphor"-- nice!
I'm in with a poem called "Noah" by Newfoundland poet, Tom Dawe.
Ooops, and my link is here.
I just want to point out that I didn't inhale....
I'm up with a Search Fib, kinda a geeky sub-genre of a sub-genre.
Thanks for hosting!
Thank you for hosting and the welcoming poem! Very nice. This week I have a poetic grab-bag:
Thanks again,
Great acrostic, Carol. I'm celebrating Baltimore Hons with Shirley Brewer's poem, "Shoe Blues."
Thank you for hosting, Carol--and I just love "Inhale a metaphor." Lovely.
I'm in with a roundup of the 15 Words or Less poems inspired by this week's domino photo.
Hi Carol! Nice acrostic!
Today, I'm taking a look at My Uncle Emily by Jane Yolen at
Random Noodling
Hello, Carol---thanks for the roundup!
I'm dedicating the e.e. cummings poem "my father moved through dooms of love" to my brother today because he is living out the best of what a father is.
Great acrostic, Carol!
Today I'm sharing "You Were Wearing," by Kenneth Koch:
Thanks for hosting and have a good weekend!
Thanks for hosting, Carol! Kurious Kitty looks at Jim Harrison's poetry today.
I'm ready to inhale some metaphors! (great line!)
I'm in this week, even though I have a quote and not a poem. I won't apologize -- they were the right words at the right time. They spoke to me. Even if they don't look like poetry, they are acting like poetry, and sometimes that's good enough.
Hi Carol,
Love the acrostic!
April Halprin Wayland's post today at our group blog, www.TeachingAuthors.com, is about her five favorite poetry books and includes an original poem plus a poetry "Writing Workout." See http://www.teachingauthors.com/2009/06/my-five-fave-poetry-books-by-april.html
Great acrostic - the perfect touch!
And thanks for hosting.
This week I have a short original, Mowing, at http://jumpingthecandlestick.blogspot.com/2009/06/poetry-friday_19.html
Hi Carol, thanks for hosting. PaperTigers is in with my post on the child poet at: http://www.papertigers.org/wordpress/poetry-friday-the-child-poet/
thanks for posting! today i'm sharing some "burma shave" poems, three classics and two of my own a la mode.
Here is a Father's Day poem from The Stenhouse Blog: On the Beach at Night by Walt Whitman.
Thanks for hosting this week, Carol. The Write Sisters are posting an excerpt from Jean Garrigue's fabulous "The Grand Canyon."
Thanks for hosting, Carol! At the Stone Arch Books blog, I have the Mary Helmrick poem "Hot Summer Nights." Because we haven't put our air conditioner in yet.
How fun to create a Poetry Friday acrostic poem! Wonderful! Thanks for hosting. I'm looking at hands-on connections with poetry today.
I'm in with "A Small Dragon" by Brian Patten. http://blaine.org/sevenimpossiblethings/?p=1709
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks so much for doing the roundup this week. love your acrostic poem!
At Wild Rose Reader, I have a review of INCREDIBLE INVENTIONS, a new poetry anthology compiled by Lee Bennett Hopkins.
At Blue Rose Girls, I have a children's poem by Frank Asch entitled "Sunflakes."
Hi Carol,
I'm sharing a poem by Todd Boss called This Morning in a Morning Voice
Thanks for hosting this shindig.
I'm in with a review of The Tushy Book: http://yzocaet.blogspot.com/2009/06/tushy-book.html
I have an original poem, posted as an image: Osprey Circles
Thanks so much for hosting! I'm in this week with Seamus Heaney.
Here's my selection, "Freedom" taken from the flag of childhood: poems from the middle east. Selected by Naomi Shihab Nye.
Thanks for doing the roundup!!
I have an original poem up at my blog: http://misserinmarie.blogspot.com/2009/06/chasing-white-rabbit.html
It looks like Mur forgot to leave The Write Sisters blog address.
And this time with my link properly linked:
Search Fib
What a wonderful acrostic, Carol!
I have an original dance poem at http://www.kpolark.blogspot.com
Thanks for hosting!
Hi, Carol, I want to begin joining Poetry Fridays, but I missed yesterday. I was informed about Poetry Friday by Dr. Sylvia Vardell through a course at TWU. I'd like to continue stopping by from now on. One reason is because I want to share a poem I read. I don't know who wrote it; it has no author's name. The poem was included at the front of my 4 year old granddaughter's preschool folder, which she received at graduation - from preschool, isn't that something? Here is the poem. Maybe someone knows who wrote it.
When children come home at the end of the day,
The question they’re asked as they scurry to play
is, “What did you do today?”
And the answer they give makes you sigh with dismay.
“Nothing, I did nothing today!”
Perhaps nothing means that I played with blocks,
Or counted to twenty, or sorted some rocks.
Maybe I painted a picture of red and blue
Or heard a story of Jesus and the children too.
Maybe I fed a pig today,
Or went outside to play.
Maybe today was the very first time
That my scissors followed a very straight line.
Maybe I sang a song with a brand new friend,
Or said my first prayer from beginning to end.
When you are in Playschool
And your heart is filled with Jesus and has wings,
“Nothing” can mean so many things!
I still remember all the times I asked my kids what they did at school, and the answer was usually, "Nothing." I once heard an educator say, "Don't ask your child what they did at school today, but ask them what questions they asked at school today." I'm sorry; I don't remember who said this. Thank you for letting me share! Deri David
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