One more week of school, and I'm starting to think about summer reading. Typically, I use the summer to catch up on all of the reading I have not done all school year- professional books and adult novels included. I also try to add a bunch of new kids' books to my repertoire, so I will be ready to recommend books to kids in the fall (when people ask me about my secrets to helping kids grow as readers I usually give say, "Recommending great books, providing lots of time for kids to read, and no bathroom passes during independent reading time!" Ok, that and a little strategy instruction, but it's mostly just knowing lots of great books that will pull kids in).
- EDGAR SAWTELLE- I got this adult novel for Christmas, but have not even cracked the cover. It's at the top of the pile.
- FINDING THE GROOVE: COMPOSING A JAZZ-SHAPED FAITH by Robert Gelinas. Robert is the teaching pastor at the church we attend. He is an amazing man (ok, I would say that about anyone who had adopted eight children). I've learned so much from him over the past three years and can't wait to read his book.
- READICIDE by Kelly Gallagher- The English Companion Ning will be doing a book club on this starting on June 1. I have never done an online book club and thought it would be fun to give it a try.
- Tom Newkirk's new book, HOLDING ONTO GOOD IDEAS IN A TIME OF BAD ONES. Tom was my dissertation chair. He's the biggest, most forward-looking thinker I know. If he wrote a book about tiddlywinks, I'd read it, because I know I would learn something.
- THE WORKSHOP BOOK- another one that everyone is talking about.
- THE GRAVEYARD BOOK by Neil Gaiman. I always try to read the Newbery. I don't like scary/horror genre (I don't know that this one is that, but it sounds that way, a little anyway), but I'm going to give it a try.
- Susan Patron's new LUCKY book.