
Tuesday, April 7, 2009


"The poem I really was going to write in honor of my visitors"

A poem? You want a poem?
Hey, I was going to write one
but then my son and his geography teacher
 wanted to know what I was thinking  
about globalization. 
And to tell the truth,
I hadn't thought much about globalization, 
at least not in the last couple of hours.
Not since I left my purse at the post office
when I went to mail my taxes,
to the accountant, three weeks after
they were supposed to be there. 
I did not want to write a paragraph about globalization.
I'm writing a poem, remember?

A poem? You want a poem?
 Hey, I was going to write one,
but first I had to rescue the  basketball sock 
from the dog because I do not think
those thick, fleecy socks travel
through the intestine any more easily 
than the $1.29 dishtowel that did not 
make the journey last month. 
And I did not have time  to write a check to the vet.
I'm writing a poem.

A poem? You want a poem? 
 Hey, I was going to write one
but then the basketball coach emailed to remind me
that the application to sell snow cones
at the arts festival in July had to be turned in 
by tomorrow at noon. He knew I had already done it,
but he just wanted to make sure. 
And so I had to stop mid-stanza
to fill out the application
for the 14% profit we could make 
selling  pale-purple frozen water. 
But hey, I really am writing a poem,

A poem? You want a poem? 
I am gonna write one. Really I am.
But  I remembered that 
JaShay's grandmother, 
really the mom who is raising her,
had surgery today. 
And I wanted Jashay to  know
She is not alone. And so I wrote a card.
Which is kinda like a poem. 
But hey, I am gonna write a poem. 

When I'm not so busy writing a life. 
I'm gonna write a poem.

Joking aside, I'm so glad you're here. 
Leave your poem in the comments, 
and I'll compile them throughout the day. 
EDITED AT 5:45: Holy cow, you poets know how to party!!!! More than 20 contributions and the sun isn't even over the horizon yet in Colorado. I'm have to go to a workshop all day today and probably won't have internet access, so I won't  I round em up, but there is already a ton of terrific stuff in the comment section.


Anonymous said...

I like your poem! Thanks for hosting, Carol.

I'm in with The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Here's the direct link info to my main blog:

Carol said...

Hi Carol,

My first post is Poetry Pleasure

My second post is Book Chook Ways to Start Writing Poetry


Susan Stephenson, The Book Chook
Blogging about kids' literature and literacy

Mary Lee said...

I'm doing my taxes today. My poem is about MONEY.

Barbara said...

Great poem, Carol!

You can read about a poet's attempt to become Modern Man at

John Mutford said...

Thanks for hosting and good job on the non-poem. I'm in with a look at the lesser known long versions of some common nursery rhymes.

Susan Taylor Brown said...
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Susan Taylor Brown said...

I love your poem! Thanks for hosting this for all of us.

I'm in with an audio of me reading the poem THE ROCK from my verse novel, HUGGING THE ROCK.

Susan Taylor Brown

Greg Pincus said...

Today I'm up with Bruce Lansky's Rules for Spot.

Since last Poetry Friday, I've also featured poems by X.J. Kennedy, Ann Whitford Paul, Jaime Adoff, Marilyn Singer, Adam Rex, and Joyce Sidman. It's been a good week, indeed!

Thanks for hosting....

Little Willow said...

I hope she is doing well after surgery.

Thanks for hosting!

I posted At Autumn Fitting by George Cotterell at Bildungsroman.

Julie said...

Thanks for hosting Poetry Friday, Carol. Over at The Drift Record I have some other thanks up to people for posting poems of mine and interviews of me during April. I also posted an original poem titled "Like Bees Over Clover."

gautami tripathy said...

That was wonderful. Loved the flow!

I post here a found poem:

a man, his fiddle and crows

Anonymous said...

Hi Carol! Thanks for hosting today.

I'm in with an original poem celebrating 400 years of the telescope.

I'm Jet . . . said...

Okay. I have to ask. How do you folks post a link to your blog entries? I've noticed that some people write out their whole blogsite address -- and yet they don't show up as links. Others get that link up.

Inquiring minds want to know!


eisha said...

Hi, Carol. Your poem rings way too true. Here's what's up at 7-Imp: a little springy haiku by Issa. Thanks for hosting!

laurasalas said...
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laurasalas said...

I love your poem--especially the snow cone part!

I'm in with a brief blog interview with me, plus poetic storytime news and a new online poetry workshop:

And I'm also in with this week's 15 Words or Less poems (come add your own) at

Thanks for hosting!

Andrea -- Just One More Book!! Podcast said...

Hi Carol,

Thanks for hosting.

Our contribution to Poetry Friday this week is a chat about the fabulously rhyming look at the grime and grit of a Medieval tournament preparations Come to the Castle!: A Visit to a Castle in Thirteenth-Century England.

Tricia said...

I'm in today with Robert Louis Stevenson and the poem Spring Carol

Thanks for hosting this shindig.

I'm Jet . . . said...

I have a poem called Keeping Secrets at


PS Good poem, Carol!


What a fun poem--thanks for including it!

Kurious Kitty talks about Nikki Giovanni's Bicycles at

Sara said...

Thank you, Carol, for poetically collecting our offerings today!

I'm continuing my Poetry Quote of the Day series, with a bonus poem, A Hand, by Jane Hirshfield.

Stenhouse said...

Hello! This week's poem on The Stenhouse Blog is A Worker Reads History by Bertold Brecht.

Elaine Magliaro said...

Thnaks for doing the roundup today!

At Political Verses, I have a parody of of the "Double, double toil and trouble" section from Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 1. It's a Macbethian Melange or Pelosi's Pot-au-Pooh-Poohers.

Jone said...

Thank you for your poem. Here is my contribution from my students:

Mary Lee said...
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Linda said...

Love the poem, Carol!
I'm in today with a review of Been to Yesterdays and Lee Bennett Hopkins thoughts about writing it.

Shelf Elf said...

Completely goofy poem today, courtesy of Grover. Everyone needs a little Sesame Street to keep the inner child alive, right?

Thanks for being our host today!

david elzey said...

Thanks for hosting! I've rounded up my original twitku (twitter haiku) from the past week.

Andromeda Jazmon said...

I'm in with a review of The Cuckoo's Haiku. Thanks for hosting!

Andromeda Jazmon said...
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Andromeda Jazmon said...

Trying again.

I wanted to add that I liked your poem. Very funny and just how I often feel about writing poetry - so much else to talk about and do!

To put a live link in a comment use this code:
a href="the exact address of your post with no spaces">text you want to show

...but start with a carrot mark and add a final CARROT a CARROT to make the link really work.

This is really hard to explain because blogger won't post the comment with tags not completed correctly. The carrot mark is what you get on the keyboard if you hit SHIFT and the common or period. HTML code always starts with carrot "a href" and ends with carrot "a" backwards carrot.

I usually do preview to see if I have all the code right, before posting the comment. If you don't have it exactly right it won't work. You copy and paste the exact address of your post in between the quotation marks with no spaces.

Jone said...

I am also in with an original found poem in pantuom form:

thanks for hosting.

Christina said...

Hi Carol,

Thanks for hosting on this spring day. I'm in with a seasonal poem from Sara Teasdale: April.

Have an excellent weekend, all.

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

Hi Carol! Thanks for hosting! I'm in with Steven Reign's "100%" About a young gay man and his relationship with his grandfather - it's heartachingly beautiful, and it's here:


Anastasia Suen said...

I'm in today with Baseball Hour.

Kelly Polark said...

Love your poem, Carol. Life takes over sometimes!
I have an original poem today at

Thanks for hosting!

Sylvia Vardell said...

Thanks for hosting our postings, Carol! I'm in today with a review of Charles R. Smith Jr.'s picture book interpretation of MY PEOPLE by Langston Hughes.

Lisa Jenn said...

Your poem cracks me up! Especially the stanza about the dog.

My contribution is an original "bite-sized sonnet" (from the poetry stretch at Miss Rumphius Effect) called Downturn.

Tiel Aisha Ansari said...

Here's an original poem called Beach Reverie

Anonymous said...

Hi Carol,

My post is here:

A review of "Steady Hands: Poems About Work."


Angela said...

Thanks for posting and writing a poem just for us Carol!

I've posted morning ritual on my blog.

Lorie Ann Grover said...

Thanks for hosting, Carol! Today we are in at readertotz with A Little Nut-Tree.

Yat-Yee said...

Carol: I LOVE your poem. Completely relate!

I won't be doing Poetry Friday today, but I thought I'd drop by to see what the others have.

Elaine Magliaro said...

I'm back!

At Wild Rose Reader, I have a post about "things to do" list poems. It includes a number of list poems written by some of my former elementary school students.

tanita✿davis said...

Thank you for hosting; what a good poem!

I'm in with April 4, a Passover poem.

Ruth said...

I'm in with a hymn, Abide with Me, for Good Friday,here.

Erin said...

Thanks for doing the roundup! I'm in with an original poem:

Sarah Stevenson said...

Finding Wonderland is in this week, lamenting the cruel month of April... and I love your poem! Wonderful last lines.

Lorie Ann Grover said...

At the end of the day, I'm finally in with Converse. Thanks again for hosting!

Suzanne said...

So late, I am. Cleaning and shopping and getting ready for a 50th birthday (hubby's) and Easter and hardly time to think about poetry or Good Friday, but here is a poem that does both: Good Friday in my Heart.

Liz Garton Scanlon said...

It's probably too late to add mine, but here it is -- the tenth in my series of Daily Haikus for the month of April...

Thanks for hosting!

Maya Ganesan said...

I'm probably too late in letting you know...but I've got a poem up, written for NaPoWriMo.