
Wednesday, December 16, 2015


When I dig back way back of my memories, I remember poetry. Read from a book with a green cloth cover. Eventually a tattered green cloth cover. I think of that book as I read Michael Rosen's A GREAT BIG CUDDLE: POEMS FOR THE VERY YOUNG. This book would be fun to share with any young child. I can also see using it in kindergarten or first grade for chants or shared readings. The poems are rhymy, sometimes sing-songy, about subjects little ones will love. And I'm pretty sure young readers will find the fonts that vary in size and color interesting. They will also love an occasional switch in page directionality. Chris Riddell's bright illustrations are sure to delight!


Time for lunch
Munch munch
Time for a munch
Crunch crunch
Munch munch
Crunch crunch
Munchy munchy
Crunchy crunchy`

Coming Home
Here's a house
Here's a door
Here's a ceiling
Here's a floor

Here's a wall
Here's the stairs
Here's the table
Here's the chairs

Here's a bowl
Here's a cup
Open your mouth
And drink it up.

You Can't See Me

You  can't see me
You don't know where I am
Am I in the paint pot?
Am I in the jam?

Am I in the sink?
Am I in the train?
Am I in the drawer?
Am I in the plane?

Am I on the shelf?
Am I in a book?
Am I in the bed?
Go and have a look.

Am I under the table?
You're getting very near
I can see you.
I'm sitting over here.


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