
Monday, April 6, 2015

PO-EMotions #6- Sadness

April is National Poetry Month. Every year, my dear friend (and poet Extraordinaire), Mary Lee Hahn chooses a theme, and writes a poem each day. Mary Lee blogs and posts her poems at two different places- YEAR OF READING and a fabulous new poetry blog POETREPOSITORY.

This year, Mary Lee has chosen the theme, "PO-EMotions," and will be writing about a different emotion each day. She promises, "This year, I will write a poem a day that either evokes an emotion, or uses an emotion word in the title or body of the poem." If you want to read more about the emotions she will be touching on, go here.

Today's emotion is sadness.


once she was a
barely tethered red kite
dancing twirling soaring
daring life's winds
to change her perspective
today she wonders
whether a tangled heap
of sticks and paper
will ever find
blue skies
or joy's tailwinds

Carol Wilcox, (c) 2015


For a while, this was part of the first poem, but then the kites and the mountains just didn't feel like they made sense.


once she knew joy
but now she trudges
up a lonely rocky
never ending
lifting her eyes
only long enough
to gingerly search
for the next foothold.

(C) Carol Wilcox, 2015


  1. Both poems are heart-rending, Carol, & beautiful metaphors. I still believe that someday, when those sons of yours grow up, your kite will be flying again. Hugs to you this week! Early days again!

  2. I love the image of the kite--first soaring and then tangled. The second poem also evokes sadness, especially that sense of tiredness that seems to always go along with it.

  3. Oh, "Joy's tailwinds" is so absolutely perfect.

    Sending you hugs, and a new spool of string.
