
Friday, November 14, 2014


All last week, weather forecasters predicted a cold front. Temperatures were going to be in the twenties, they said. The weather at that point, however, was glorious-- temperatures in the mid-sixties, red/yellow/orange remnants of fall coloring the landscape, and it was hard to believe that winter was coming.

On Monday, winter hit with a vengeance. It was almost sixty degrees when I took the dogs outside at 8 a.m., then at ten, a wind came up, and by six o'clock the temperature had plummeted into the twenties. Which was warm, compared to -11, which was what it was when I went to work yesterday morning. I'm having a hard time making the adjustment, but, well,  Amy Gerstler describes the advent of winter much better than I ever could …


I dread the white concussion
of winter. Each snowfall demands
panic, like a kidnapper's hand
clapped over my chapped mouth.
Ice forms everywhere, a plague of glass.
Christmas ornaments'
sickly tinkle makes my molars ache……

the mercury just plummets,
like a migrating duck blasted
out of the sky by some hunter
in a cap with fur earflaps. 

Amy Gerstler

Read the rest of the poem here.

Check out other Poetry Friday offerings at Keri Recommends.


  1. -11 sounds rough, Carol. I can imagine that would be tough to convince yourself to walk out into.

    That poem makes me feel relatively very merry! It reminds me of a video called "What is History For?" -- among other things, it mentions making you feel better about the present. I would think the same thing could be said about poetry, which can make you feel better about your own situation.

  2. I didn't look for a poem this time, but this is indeed perfect, Carol. Argh-what a week we've had! Love "the white concussion of winter". Today, a heat wave! Above freezing!

  3. Sorry to hear about winter's abrupt entrance. Perfect poem to capture the shock! Stay warm!

  4. Perfect description of the volatile clashing of fall and winter temperatures! A great share.

  5. Carol, I hope this is a short adjustment and that temps will return to normal so you can enjoy a few more days of fall before winter settles in for the season. These lines describe my response exactly, "Each snowfall demands
    panic, like a kidnapper's hand
    clapped over my chapped mouth."
    So glad I live where the panic comes infrequently.

  6. Oh, my. That poem is quite the indictment of winter!

    That Colorado weather -- fickle and changeable. But 50 degrees in a day seems to perhaps take the cake!!
