
Sunday, October 9, 2011

MY BEAR GRIZ- Suzanne McGinness

Billy loves bears. He and his best friend, Griz, do everything together. They like to go exploring. The play hide and seek. They eat peanut butter and honey sandwiches. They know each other's deepest secrets.

This picture book, by first time author, Suzanne McGinness, is a perfect gift for preschoolers and/or beginning readers.  Each two-page spread contains one large, gorgeous illustration of Billy and Griz, set on a soft blue, green, or yellow was background, often with a  little interesting collage art. The text is large, easy to read, and strongly supported by the illustrations, absolutely perfect for beginning readers. And then there's the surprise ending…

A perfect book for a preschool or primary grade reader!


  1. I love visiting your blog for great book ideas! I have your blog open and in the next tab my library book bag to place reserves!

  2. Our Librarian read this at sorytime last Friday.....what a gorgeous book!!!!
