
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Poem #30/30- "Dog Days"

Poetry Month is over,  but I couldn't stand that I had written 29 poems instead of 30, 
so I wrote two poems today.  I'm ending with a tanka.

"Dog Days Are Ending"

every dog has his day
but I am dog gone happy,
Poetry Month's done, 
writer's notebook is dog-eared
and this poet's dog tired.

(C) Carol Wilcox, 2019


  1. Aw, and yes, a long month to fit it all in. I enjoyed every 'woof' from you! Happy May!

  2. Oh, I've enjoyed your poems so. And that's something coming from a confirmed cat lover who has never owned a dog. Doggone happy, dog-eared, dog tired - you've earned your rest. I bet you feel like a dog with two tails!

  3. Yay! You made it to the finish line!

  4. Ha! That's how I felt on Day 30 too--though I had nothing clever left. I so enjoyed your collection of dog poems.
