
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Poem #22- Hot Dogging It

April is National Poetry Month. My theme this month is "Dog Days." I'm trying to write approximately thirty poems about dogs, or in the case of this poem, loosely related to dogs. I love baseball almost as much as I love dogs. Tonight, I went to my first Rockies game of the season. While the outcome wasn't great (the Rockies lost 6-3), it's always fun to be at Coors Field, on a beautiful spring night. It's not so fun, though, to get home at 11:00 and realize you have not written your poem for the day! Whoops! A quick almost tanka will have to do!

"Hot Dogging It"

Unwrapped at ball game,
Charred black over campfire,
Barbeque skewered,
Mustard, onion, pickle relish,
Could anything taste better?

(C) Carol Wilcox, 2019


  1. Hooray for hotdogs (and last-minute poems that turn out so great)!

  2. Although you felt rushed, it's a great poem, Carol. Ingrid is going today with her class! She is excited!

  3. What fun! A spring night under the stars (you do have one of those retractable awnings, right?), a hot dog, and a baseball game. And you playing with words at 11 pm!
