
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Dog Days- #17/30- A Dog-Filled Life

Therapy dogs at Walter Reed Hospital. The golden retriever is Warrior Canine Connection's Lucy. 
April is National Poetry Month. This year, I've chosen "Dog Days" as my theme. Every day, for these thirty days, I will write a poem about dogs. Today's poem is an abecedarian. I usually do one of these every year. It's not a one day process; I usually create a post with the alphabet really early in the month, and then mess around with the letters, adding ideas as they come to me, until I feel like I'm ready to post. I hate "o" this year, but it's the best I can do...

"A Dog-Filled Life"

an abundance of
barking and begging,
chasing and chomping,
diligent digging (and a great deal of drooling),
ecstatic eating,
frantic fetching,
glorious garbage-digging,
happy heeling, and  horrific hairiness, 
instinctive intelligence,
joyful jumping,
kissing and caring, 
leashes and loving,
muzzling and mouthing,
nudging and nuzzling,
opening and closing,
playful paddling
quiet cuddling,
raucous romping,
sandwich scrounging and sock stealing,
tail thumping and toenails tapping,
underwear eating,
vim and vigor,
wild wagging and a little whining,
extra energy gives way to exhaustion
yawning and finally…

(c) Carol Wilcox, 2019


  1. Love the way you've played with words for this abcedarian poem. Still thinking about Maggie and how your "happy heeling," could just as easily have been "happy healing." Love how it begins with an abundance of . . . You've knocked this one out of the park, Carol.

  2. Huzzah! I LOVE me a good abecedarian, and yours has perfect pairs all the way through!

  3. This is an Awesome Abecedarian, Carol. Barking Blessed!

  4. You make this look so easy! I had to abandon the one abcedarian I ever tried. So hard!
