
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Slice #6- Birthday cake

I knew when I opened my eyes this morning that it was going to be a busy day.

A data review, followed by an all day planning session with the first and second grade teachers.

A three hour meeting with our area superintendent.

A couple of reading groups squeezed in somehow.

And so there I was, at 10:30 this morning. Planning with a fourth grade teacher and a literacy coach from an outside grant. One of the first grade teachers sitting at an adjacent table. My fifth grade group, heads together over their guided reading book.

And then in comes my principal.

With the entire office staff.

And a birthday cake.

Because today is my birthday.

Truthfully it wasn't all that fun.

It was a super full day.

Lots of meetings and stress and disagreement.

Spanish class tonight.

A fourteen hour day.

Minimal to non-existent birthday acknowledgements from my sons.

But this morning,

I had birthday cake.


  1. When I was in junior high speech, I gave a persuasive speech that everyone should have their birthday off school. I still believe it. and that includes grown ups who shouldn't have to work on their birthdays! Lovely surprise, but you deserve more than this! Happy birthday, Carol! (Maybe next year, you should take a personal day.)

  2. Happy birthday Carol! So glad you got birthday cake! That's my favorite part of my birthday--really the only part I'd keep. I'd be very happy to dispense with the whole day as it's one of our hardest days of the year. Since my birthday is the 4th of July, I've never had to work on it--nor has anyone else!

  3. Aw, happy birthday, Carol! What a sweet surprise at school ... even with a full day! And some cake too!
