
Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Let other people give the diaper bag and onesies and cute little clothes. I have always, for as long as I can remember, given books as baby shower presents. And for the past couple of years, a book I always include is Marla Frazee's BOSS BABY. Frazee has a new book, THE BOSSIER BABY, that has just become my all time favorite big brother or sister present.

In BOSSIER BABY, a new CEO (complete with pearl necklace) has arrived, and the corporate structure has changed dramatically. The new CEO is getting all the perks- organic catering (nursing) and aroma therapy (diaper changes). BOSS BABY is less than thrilled, and retreats to a corner to sulk. You can probably guess who reaches out to bring him into the corporate structure.

Fun, fun, fun!

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