
Wednesday, December 21, 2016


teacher, watch tiny
seed you planted and watered
grow to full glory

teacher, watch tiny
seed you planted and watered
grow to  full glory   fruition


cup your palms gently
you hold sacred baby dreams dream bubbles
do not pop them

I'm always struck, as I watch different kids, by how their unique talents emerge in different settings. Last night, I talked to V, one of the smartest, most amazing kids I have ever known. His first language is Spanish. His dad is a construction worker. His mom is a child care provider. He has two younger brothers and sisters. He is attending one of the toughest high schools in our district. And getting straight A's. He told me that School of Mines has already contacted him, even though he's only a sophomore. They want to give him a scholarship. He thinks this relatively small school, close to home, might be a good fit. 

And I watched A, who has struggled mightily with behavior challenges since a beloved grandmother died a year ago, as he performed in the music program. He was a star, singing and marching, and playing the recorder. E, who stood right next to him, is a third grader reading at a first grade level. I was helping organize the third graders, and right before they went on stage, D, who is one of the brightest kids in third grade, turned and said to me, "I'm really glad I get to stand next to E because he's a great singer." E beamed.

This morning I typed a fairy tale (shhh, don't tell!) that S plans to wrap and give to her family for a Christmas gift. S, who has also not quite figured out the reading thing yet, is a terrific artist and spent most of the day illustrating her book, then we stood outside in the wind after school so she could read it to me. Her pictures were absolutely beautiful, and I told her she needed to save the book, so that when she is a famous illustrator, she can put her second grade work on her website. 

And I was struck by all the tiny baby dreams we hold in our hands every single day. Such a privilege, this work we do! 

1 comment:

  1. "Sacred dream bubbles..." a beautiful image. And the work you do with so many is magnificent, Carol.
