
Friday, August 23, 2013


My first full official week back at school. Teachers started Tuesday and our kids start Monday.  I can't wait! In the meantime, like most other teachers, I'm crazy busy and exhausted. This poem, "The First Day of School," is one that I have probably used almost since the beginning of my career, a very long time ago, but I think it's still applicable to most teachers and kids.

"The First Day of School"

…And what if I can't find lunch, or I sit on my lunch,
or I (oops!) drop my lunch someplace like the toilet?
Will they let me starve or will somebody lend me a sandwich?
A cookie? A cracker? An apple? Some juice?
And what if they say, "Do this," and I don't understand them?
And what if there's teams and nobody picks me to play?
And what if I took off my sneakers, and also my socks, and my jeans, and my sweatshirt and T-shirt,
And started the first day of school on the second day?

By Judith Viorst

You can read the poem in its entirety here. 

Betsy is hosting Poetry Friday is at  I Think in Poems.


  1. My favourite first read to my students. It gives us a chance to share the worries of the school year and how our distinct personalities will fit into our class...all of us!

  2. Hi Carol! That's a great poem for the first day of school! It really brought back to me the anguish of the night before trying to get my clothes just right.

  3. Can you believe I did not know that this poem? But it's a keeper. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Great poem, Carol. Brings back so many memories. Some things never change. Have a great school year!

  5. wish I had a class to share it with

  6. Some of our newer teachers do not know the Judith Viorst poems, or her. Great poem, Carol. So many kids worry so. I just found a Baldo cartoon I shared with those who teach the older students. Most of those pictured had thought bubbles saying, "do they like my shirt/blouse/or shoes, etc." You get the picture-such anxiety! Hope you have a beautiful start to the year!

  7. So glad to see Judith Viorst's poems here - this is something I'd love to share with my own teacher-students. Classes have begun two weeks back for me (both university term and my daughter's middle school). Poetry is always a good way to start the school year.

  8. Happy first day of school next week! Yikes! You have to start with five days in a row. Doing three before a weekend seemed just right.

  9. Enjoy the first week of school! Best wishes for a wonderful year. There's nothing quite like the giddy anticipation of the beginning . . .

  10. Oh all the worries that come with a new school year! This poem is perfect.

  11. Nothing like a bit of shared anxiety to make kids feel more comfortable. Hope your first week of school is going well!
