
Friday, July 26, 2013


Photograph by Robert, Wikimedia Commons.

Parker J. Palmer, founder and Senior Partner of the Center for Courage & Renewal, is a world-renowned writer, speaker and activist. He has reached millions worldwide through his nine books, including Let Your Life Speak, The Courage to Teach, A Hidden Wholeness, and Healing the Heart of Democracy. - See more at:
If you hang out with educators who are interested in spirituality and social activism, you might recognize Parker J. Palmer's name. Palmer is the founder of Center for Courage and Renewal and the author of nine books, including The Courage to Teach, Let Your Life Speak,  and most recently Healing the Heart of Democracy. Palmer is also an amazing poet and almost every week, he posts a new poem on his Facebook page. This week's poem was called "Harrowing." I'm sharing the last few lines.


…Enough. The job is done.
Whatever's been uprooted let it be
Seedbed for the growing that's to come.
I plowed to unearth last year's reasons--

The farmer plows to plant a greening season.

Parker J. Palmer

Read the rest of the poem here.

Sherri, over at Semicolon, is hosting Poetry Friday. 


  1. I think we must always plant for that 'greening season', Carol. Thanks for this, and for sharing about Palmer's Facebook page. I didn't know about it!

  2. Those last two lines...great reminder to look forward, not back.
