
Friday, January 18, 2013


Each year, the Denver Public Schools publishes a volume of student poetry.  A POEM KNOWS,  Volume 5, arrived in local bookstores a few weeks ago. On the website, teacher/editor Steve Replogle says:
 The series has published poems and artwork from about 1,500 students. That's a lot of children! Once upon a time, they were happy to find themselves as published poets, applauded at our receptions and celebrated by their communities. Many of those students are now in high school and preparing to go to college. It may not be long until they begin to publish books of their own…

"A Book Knows"
A book knows
what you want to learn about
and what you want to hear. 
It loves to be read and admired.
It is a house for words. 
When you flip the page
the words get in order.
A book knows. 

DAC, 1st grade

 The boxes are red
The boxes are blue
The boxes are pink
The boxes are green
Happy birthday!
AS,  Kindergarten

"What If It Rained 
 If it rained chocolate
In the winter
It would rain hot fudge
And it would stay hot forever
And we would still it it
If we waited
It would cover the whole grass
We would be able to make chocolate angels
and chocolate men
My dogs would be able to roll in it
CS, 3rd grade

"Early Each Sunday"
You used to be a preacher
because you wanted to teach about God
 and things like that
You'd wake early each Sunday, and
then you'd be gone
to stand in the spotlight of the stained glass
 windows and candles
lighting the faces
of the men
and the women
 and me
Smiling, you'd smile back.

Now that's over, you wake early
each Sunday
to listen to a voice that isn't yours
standing in the spotlight of the stained glass
windows and candles 
lighting the faces of the men
and the women
 but not me, because it isn't the same

But Grandpa, since you're now retired
You can spend more time with me.
CL, 5th grade


You walk tall jumping from page to page
Correcting words and making others
Deleting some words and moving on
Laughing and crying through different poems.

CH, 5th grade

Read about how the books came into being here.

Order the book (and read more poems) on the DPS Poetry wikispace.

Violet Nesdoly is hosting Poetry Friday today.


  1. Wonderful poems, Carol. Thanks for sharing. I especially like "What If It Rained Chocolate". I like the way that child thinks! Happy Friday! =)

  2. What a fabulous collection, Carol! These poems are so moving--all of them. I especially like "What If It Rained Chocolate," "Early Sunday Morning" and "Pencil."

    Are there poems by any of your students? Thanks for telling us about this great project.

    Violet N.

  3. Fantastic! I followed the link to the whole collection -- what a well-done project!

  4. This is a wonderful project Carol. I love "Early Each Sunday" & that final line of 'Pencil" is so good! Thanks!
