
Friday, October 21, 2011


"To Failure"
Philip Larkin

You do not come dramatically, with dragons
That rear up with my life between their paws
And dash me butchered down beside the wagons,
The horses panicking; nor as a clause
Clearly set out to warn what can be lost,
What out-of-pocket charges must be borne,
Expenses met; nor as a draughty ghost
That’s seen, some mornings, running down a lawn.

Read the rest of the poem here.

Poetry Friday is at JAMA'S ALPHABET SOUP.


  1. Love both the image and the words. Thank you for sharing this.

    BTW, the link you have up on Jama's site links to a much earlier post - this is the third time I've noted that amongst all the links I've visited so far. Must be a glitch with the mr linky system.

  2. Such a powerful poem. Great images throughout. Pondering . . .

  3. I love this sonnet. Larkin has a great ability to describe what we see but don't always notice.
