
Saturday, August 28, 2010


So do you remember that I really am trying to be a totally hip and with it kind of gal? In case you forgot, I am. I totally am trying to be hip and with it. I blog. I have a facebook account. I tweet. A little bit. Although I have not quite got the hang of that tiny url thing, at least not yet. This summer, I went to the ISTE conference where I did not win an ipad, despite the fact that I wrote my name on many, many win a free ipad raffle tickets. I am, I think, becoming slightly more techno savvy.

But when it all boils down to it, there is nothing I like better than holding a good old fashioned book. I like looking at the pictures. I like turning the pages. Ijust like books.

I laughed out loud, then, today when I read Lane Smith's newest creation, IT'S A BOOK. In this book, three friends- a monkey, a mouse, and a jackass- are friends. The monkey loves to read. The jackass, a totally hip and with-it techno kind of guy has never seen a book until he encounters Monkey reading. He has lots of questions-- Can you blog? How do you scroll down? Can you make the characters fight? Monkey answers the questions for a while, but that becomes impatient and hands Jackass his copy of TREASURE ISLAND. And you can guess what happens next…

This is definitely a picture book for older kids. I'd love to use it to introduce independent reading in a middle or high school classroom. So funny!!!!


  1. Amen, Sister! As a librarian in a k-3rd school, I am well aware of the techy lives my little digital natives will lead . . . BUT before they begin tweeting and "youtubeing" with the masses (or whatever the future trend becomes), I hope I can entice them with the treasures found in books. I want them to discover the joy of hiding under the covers with a book and a flashlight. Does it get any better than that? B-)

  2. I love this book! Wish I could take it to school...maybe I will, to share with my colleagues, but for now it is prominently displayed on my mantle.

  3. Love your post! Can't wait to read the book...there have been so many good things said about it. I have to agree with Monkey, after trying to read Mockingjay on my iPad Kindle app. I am clearly a book person :)

  4. You are so right! I can't wait to see this one!
