
Friday, April 24, 2009


From the mom of two frog princes…

I am a single mom to two teenage boys. They are really good guys and I adore being their mom. At the same time, growing up is hard, hard work, and being a mom is hard, hard work, and lots of weeks are just plain hard for all three of us. I need to post this poem in about a hundred places in my house, so I remember it…

How to Change a Frog Into a Prince
by Anna Denise

Start with the underwear. Sit him down. 
Hopping one one leg may stir unpleasant memories.
If he gets his tights on, even backwards, praise him.
Fingers, formerly webbed, struggle over buttons.
Arms and legs, lengthened out of proportion, wait, 
as you do, for the rest of him to catch up. 

The rest of the poem is here.

POETRY FRIDAY is at Lisa Chellman's Under the Covers


  1. Too cute (from a mom of two boys)!

  2. Perfect. Put two crowns on'll need them someday. Someday.

  3. Very cute.

    I'm a mom of all girls ... God knew I wouldn't have the foggiest, or froggiest, notion of what to do with boys.

  4. I like this poem too - it really should be posted around my house! Forget about getting the tights on; I praise them when the pee lands IN the toilet!
