
Monday, February 9, 2009


Anyone who knows me knows that I love to read to kids. Teachers at my school will tell you that I am a fanatic. This morning, I found a really disturbing post. Did you know that 1/2 of the parents of kids under 6 in the United States DO NOT read aloud to their little ones????? In Australia, it's worse-- 2/3 of the parents don't read to the kids. Head over to the The Book Chook and read her post about this!


Kyle said...

If I couldn't read to my students my day would be AWFUL! Reading aloud keeps everyone's soul happy.

Laura Lynn Benson said...

Oh, my goodness...nothing more important than drenching our babies in books!

BookChook said...

It's something I feel really strongly about. Kyle is right on with the comment about keeping everyone's soul happy.

Actually though, the figures were about the same for the US and Australia - and the study in Australia then went on to say that 2/3 of parents cited lack of time as their reason for not reading to their kids. Sorry I wasn't clearer on that.

I guess it just depends on your priorities. To me, wanting your kids to have the best start in life is number one!